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View Full Version : Whereto now ?

Zeuk in Oz
08-10-2005, 11:09 PM
I can't help but notice a number of the regulars on this board adding an E39 to their stable / collection, sometimes even replacing their E34.
I must confess to seriously considering a '98-'00 523i as an additional car, mainly due to its superior safety features compared to my '88 525i.
I realise that this engine was not offered in the states but given that the car will be driven mostly by my kids, I feel that it will be powerful enough.
I believe that this M52 engine has been de-tuned compared to the one available in the '93 - '96 E34 525i. (Same displacement)
Is this de-tuning something which can be reversed with something as simple as a new chip ? I wouldn't want to do it, just know if the option exists.
Also are there any other common problems that I should be aware of when looking at these cars ? Obviously I will have any car I am interested in inspected by an expert !
Do any of you who have made the switch regret it ?
Of those of you with both, which gets taken out for that Sunday drive down that twisting country lane ?