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View Full Version : unlocking obc

08-01-2005, 10:26 PM
how do u unlock this? i couldnt access the other functions...

i try to press the code button and it doesnt show the usual screen
what do i do? btw i dunno what the unlock code is if ever there is one


08-01-2005, 10:33 PM
Press 1000 and 10 at the same time, it will come up and say test. use the 10 and 1 keys to punch in 19 and hit S/R. Then it will say lock, add the day of the month to the number of the month, i.e. 8/1/2005 would be 8+1 so enter 9 then s/r. That should unlock it. From then on you can hit the 1000 and 10 and then enter the code of the function you want.

08-01-2005, 11:03 PM
some more info here

08-30-2005, 04:01 AM
My speedometer read 45 MPH, but I'm doing 57... I changed the speedo head in my instrument cluster (put in a used one) and I replaced the speed sensor in the differential, but that did not cure the problem either.

I have a type IV OBC and while I can access the Speedo functions, the 1000/100/10/1 buttons don't affect the obc. Am I accessing the OBC correctly, and can you confirm that I can adjust my speedometer to fix the above problem?