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View Full Version : Radiator leak

04-18-2005, 12:01 PM
Over the winter and for the past few winters I go to my sisters house in New Hampshire for Christmas. The car sits outside overnight with the temps in the 20's. When I get up in the morning I always have a small 6" pool of antifreeze on the driveway beneath the radiator. I check the drain plug and it is not wet so I know it is not comming from there or the radiator hoses. Why do I not get this during the spring and summer. Only during the winter. I can't find any leak.

04-18-2005, 12:13 PM
What kind of a car do you drive?

all in all, if you've not replaced your radiator yet, you might be due.

04-18-2005, 12:52 PM
If you have not changed your rad yet, I would say do it now before it gets worse. In doing so make sure to get new expansion take seals if you have removeble expansion tank. I had the exact same problem not too long ago and sure enough it was the seals.
