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View Full Version : Possible to get city lights to match HIDs closer?

Jon K
04-10-2005, 02:33 PM

I have 6000k HIDs and the stock city bulbs (Sylvania 194s) are a very... halogen, almost tungsten color. It looks good at dusk with no low beams on, but when i hit the low beams my 6000k low beams are somewhat ruined by the orange-ish city lights. Looked in the Pepboyz Rice Aisle for something thats almost "cool blue" but didn't find anything...

04-10-2005, 07:51 PM
try an acessory shop (or Ebay) for LED 194s. The white ones match HID very well. I had them on my MB 190E. I was worried that the light would be too focal. A regular bulb would be brighter but the LED will shine through the reflectors adequately. Try to find a newer generation LED with multi mini-LEDs that aim in slightly different directions.

04-10-2005, 10:04 PM
I'll 2nd the LED vote...

My signature shows my blue parklight LEDs. These are an LED with a 'wedge' type base, so they fit if they were a 'real' wedge type globe.

I purchased Phillip's "Diamond Vison" globes for my main beam (bloody expensive $160AUD+ for a pair!!), and the packaging came with 2 'blue' wedge globes. These weren't blue enough in my opinion, hence the LEDs.

I could only find one set on ebay worldwide, but they don't appear to come with the wedge bulbs too:

Jon K
04-11-2005, 12:37 AM
I'll 2nd the LED vote...

My signature shows my blue parklight LEDs. These are an LED with a 'wedge' type base, so they fit if they were a 'real' wedge type globe.

I purchased Phillip's "Diamond Vison" globes for my main beam (bloody expensive $160AUD+ for a pair!!), and the packaging came with 2 'blue' wedge globes. These weren't blue enough in my opinion, hence the LEDs.

I could only find one set on ebay worldwide, but they don't appear to come with the wedge bulbs too:

Yeah i dont need low beam bulbs as I have HIDs...

Just the little 194 guy


04-11-2005, 02:36 AM
PIAA makes some city light bulbs I think.
My city lights match. I think they are PIAA.

04-11-2005, 06:53 AM
yes mate ... there are white LEDs ... I already have them on ... u need to bend the pins a bit to get the contacts on. also u need to watch the polarity. it has one direction. they should be cheep. 3.6$

04-12-2005, 02:38 AM
Superbrightleds.com has 194-type LED bulbs in white for something like $3.75 each.

That should fit the bill.