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View Full Version : You know, I've only been back on the board for a few days,

Phil in Vancouver
02-19-2004, 12:34 AM
but even though I welcomed the new format, there are some problems with tracing a thread. I started a new thread about my stall problem, because I wasn't confident that people would read the old one. There was actually a great deal of new information on the old thread, but whether it's me, or whether it's the format, it's just not as easy to follow as the old board. I'm not a luddite, and I'm not against change, but this format seems more cumbersome when you actually want to follow up on people's advice and let them know how your work has been going.
My two cents.

02-19-2004, 12:53 AM
but even though I welcomed the new format, there are some problems with tracing a thread. I started a new thread about my stall problem, because I wasn't confident that people would read the old one. There was actually a great deal of new information on the old thread, but whether it's me, or whether it's the format, it's just not as easy to follow as the old board. I'm not a luddite, and I'm not against change, but this format seems more cumbersome when you actually want to follow up on people's advice and let them know how your work has been going.
My two cents.

Phil, I agree completely. I just tried to follow your other thread, and can't make any sense of it, or any other threads on the new format. It seems like everything is in random order, and I keep reading the same things over and over. I'm pretty much done, until Ed arrives at a solution. I'll just stick to driving the car for a few weeks, and hope I don't need any help!
Mark Hanna 1990 - 535ia

Paul in NZ
02-19-2004, 02:18 AM
if you go to your own profile you can click on a link which will take you to
all posts by phil in vancouver (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=477)


all threads started by phil in vancouver (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/search.php?do=process&showposts=0&starteronly=1&exactname=1&searchuser=Phil+in+Vancouver)

I found both of your threads on the first page

stall thread one (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/showthread.php?p=5574)

stall thread two (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/showthread.php?p=5664)