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View Full Version : my m5 seat is in!

03-03-2005, 12:17 PM
so thanks to a kind mr. thegeak i have got my M5 seats...
drove out to PA, bought em, threw em in the ML55 and
brought them home...a little scuffed and worn, nothing
bad like rips or tears though...

cleaned em off with some of this good stuff


here's a before shot :
that is the passenger side seat

and here is the driver's after i cleaned it


03-03-2005, 12:19 PM
i got some fogs from jason too
here's the old ones...took quite a beating


here's a quick shot of it installed


this ones kinda dark


the backs need to be reupholstered - i'm thinking some black suede =]
mmmmm i love the seat heaters!

03-03-2005, 09:46 PM
so how do the black front seats look with the tan interior and tan back seat? i'd love some sport seats too. any 'overall' pics with it installed? it would expand my search if i settled for another colors besides my tan interior. but thats cool. i know who too ask about install when i get a set of my own ;)

03-03-2005, 10:06 PM
These seats are no good for you because:
- they don't watch your interior
- they have no arm-rest, which you know you want

Give them to me, and I'll give you my seats, which will not match your interior either, but at least you'll have arm-rests. :D

03-03-2005, 10:07 PM
*sniffs* Its so pretty....I'll miss them, they held my butt firmly while ripping through these treacherous mountain roadways on warm summer evenings....*tears*

03-03-2005, 10:45 PM
they DO hold your butt well...upper shoulder support is lacking, but hell this
isn't a race car...heheheh

i LOVE the heated seats though...didn't have em before

i tried to get an overall shot...i'll be getting black floormatts for the summer so
it'll look nice and neat