hello, i have tried searching the forum for acceleration loss and power loss but did not come up with an answer. I have a 1990 525 with m20 engine, and almost all the time when driving if i floor it or press the gas pedal hard, the engine just starts to rev and dont accelerate the car at all. Once you let go the pedal it it drops back to original rpms and then "grips". Its almost feels like when its really wet outside and when you press on the gas your rear wheels loose traction and just burn out and the car doesnt really go anywhere type feeling (bad example i guess). I have a 5 speed btw. It doesnt always happen, usually when you press on it while in 2nd or 3rd and rpms are in 2-3k range, the car doesnt loose power if you take it easy but sometimes if you need to make a lange change or accelerate on the highway the car just doesnt go anywhere, the only reason i could think of is the clutch but then again im not really sure. Can anyone suggest me what to check for or what it might be, sorry for the horrible discription of the problem, i tried my best. Thanks, any input is apreciated.