Quote Originally Posted by winfred View Post
HA, well not totally disappeared, if ya ever watched the tv show "sons of guns" some of the toys were built, repaired or modified by me, even managed to not get edited out of every scene they shot with me in it and ugly up the discovery channel once in a while, well till will got convicted as being a massive pedophile, the first 3 episodes of season 6 will likely never see with light of day.
touring project is stalled awaiting parts delivery, the schrick cam that was supposed to be in stock at turner turned into will be shipped in jan along with the rockers

So you worked full-time or part-time for them or some such? I was going to type something about giraffe-neck , but then I realized that was a different show. I watched that show in 2011, back when there was a buttload of firearms related shows on Discovery. Additionally, I thought you mentioned years (would be a decade or more ago) about a manufacturer that called themselves "red-stick;" I always got confused and thought that maybe the sons-of-guns people and you were in some way connected.

Did you make receivers for anything?