Working on a Hondud 4 cylinder. Thing ran great except anytime you revved it up it would shower antifreeze anywhere it could escape. No other issues, no smoke over heating etc. Smooth idle etc.

So we pulled the head as it seemed to be some sort of head or head gasket leak and yes it was. Just a little burn through the head gasket about 1/8 inch or about 3-4mm around the cylinder sealing part. Head and block look good, no burn or heat marks, looked flat with nothing unusual. The gasket itself took a fair amount of time to actually find a fault.

Replaced gasket, sprayed with copper stuff incase we missed a problem and good to go. Used old bolts, not a good thing I know but did anyways. Ordered new bolts for later. Car ran great, got 20.10 MPG no burning oil, no antifreeze shower etc. THEN a few days after that we started getting a slight miss at idle when hot. Uh-ohh. Miss got worse and eventually got a code that said #4 has random missfire.

Checked basics, valve lash cap, rotor, wires and found 1 wire not quite into the cap and oxidation. All plugs sparked tho. so WTF?

Compression test time....

Okay looks like a leak between 3 & 4 so time to add oil for another check...

Okay anther WTF moment. #4 is gimp.

Try to start, no spark. Another distributor and it started right up. (never do a compression test without disconnecting power to distributor)

Built a leakdown tester and ready to test but want to fire it with valve cover off to make sure rockers are all moving right. Whoaaa lots of oil dumping around the rockers, like a LOT! Where the oil is trying to pour back through the head its just fountaining back up and over the entire garage. Still a big miss. Must be a bad piston/ring or something, time for leakdown test results.

This sucks.

Leakdown results to follow.