I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out. i'm taking a stats class right now and we've been assigned a project. the only problem is that i have to come up with the project topic on my own, and i'm clueless. i'm the kind of person that likes to be told(or know) what to do and get the job done, rather than sitting there thinking about what to do...

so anyway. all i need is two populations i can takes samples of and compare. it must be quantitative data (numeric) and the data must be availible somewhere i can easily get to it (like online). this is NOT an experiment, or a survey, there are no predictor and response varibles, its just two related populations. there can't be more than two populations, and there can't be more than one varible i'm looking at.

the example that was given in class was 'the number of cars parked illegally on campus betwwen 9 and 12 verses the number of cars parked illegally between 1 and 5'

i'm trying to think of a way to apply that to cars.. if there was some good data on, say, oil ananlysis for 20 different cars, 10 runing KN and 10 running stock filters, i could pick a nice descriptive stat for oil-dirtyness and just compare the two groups of cars based on that. the problem is i don't know of anyone who would do that kind of an experiment with cars.

links or just ideas would be unimaginably helpful to me right now, the deadline is comming up.