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Thread: Will valet key double lock??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Dayton, Ohio

    Default Will valet key double lock??

    Just bought the e34 last week, and it came with one key. But I can't get the doors to double lock with this key, is it a valet key??

    The doors will double lock with the keyless entry....

    I was going to go to the stealer and pick up a second key anyhow.... but I was just wondering if this was the valet key or a full blow normal key...
    Former: 95-530iM

    Current: 99 GMC Seirra 1500

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Wellington,New Zealand

    Default Try the key in the boot.

    If it is the valet key it wont be able to lock/unlock the boot(ummm trunk) or the glove box either .....right guys?.When you say it wont double lock do you mean you cant turn the key past the first position?To double lock you have to turn the key approx 90 degress,and past the position where the doors lock to the second position.If you hold it there all open windows and sunroof should close too.
    Gone but not forgotten

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Bay Area, CA


    yea, vallet key won't be able to lock/unlock glove and trunk.

    also, the vallet key is grey, instead of black.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Eastern Tennessee USi


    Sweet...just checked that out, cool. I like that idea of rolling down and up the windows when im getting into or out of the car! thats phenominal!
    95 E34 530I V2.37
    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

    John F. Kennedy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Dayton, Ohio


    The key I have works on the trunk, and does the window thing (closes windows, won't open)... but (maybe I'm doing something wrong) I can only get it to do the 45 degree lock, and not the 90 degree double lock....
    Former: 95-530iM

    Current: 99 GMC Seirra 1500

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