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Thread: Cold air on passenger side

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004


    should be 2, see pages 6,7,8,9 (maybe someone can reconfirm before you start)
    2.09 MB!


    good pics about a repair on this German site, download them

    pic in post 11 with JB weld, and in post 17 a pdf with a nicely made bracket,
    in post 19 he made bracket also for the motor to stop them

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Dayton Ohio

    Default I only have motor 1 and 3

    I only have motor 1 and 3, then I have a cable controls where motor 2 should be.

    Can I pull the dash and open the top of the vent tubing and access the flap from there? Without having to pull the IHKA out?

    Quote Originally Posted by shogun View Post
    should be 2, see pages 6,7,8,9 (maybe someone can reconfirm before you start)
    2.09 MB!


    good pics about a repair on this German site, download them

    pic in post 11 with JB weld, and in post 17 a pdf with a nicely made bracket,
    in post 19 he made bracket also for the motor to stop them

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I assume it is not possible, but I never tried it.
    I so far removed the complete IHKA control unit from my parts car, but that I did when there was almost nothing left inside the car, so that was much easier.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Dayton Ohio


    Do you know how the flap is attached to the rod? It seems to me that it has just fallen off. The stepper motor on the passenger side actuates both flaps I am assuming? I pulled the motor on the floor vent passenger side and opened the floor vent by hand. This allowed me access to the actuator for the center flaps. When I moved the arm only the center flap on the drivers side moved up and down. The center flap on the passenger side isn't attached to a motor on the drivers side is it?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004


    was quite long time ago, no sharp memory.
    the drive side flap has a motor, and the passenger side flap is actuated from the drover side motor with a bowden cable. And that is accessible from the engine room.
    And that I found on a 10/1988 E32 750iL, maybe it is different on other production years.

    once more go thru all the pics here

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Dayton Ohio

    Default These are the exterior air vents

    Yes there is a motor on the drivers side (USA) and a cable that actuates the fresh air vent on the passenger side but this is fresh air vents that are on the firewall. The vents that I am talking about are in the interior of the car. Looking at all of the pictures it appears that if the dash is removed you should be able to remove the top of the IHKA without removing it. But then again I may be talking about the duct work on top of the IHKA. I think if the duct work is removed I should be able to get a closer look at the flap and perhaps repair it. What do I have to loose I still have to remove the dash anyway Now its off to find instruction on dash removal.

    Quote Originally Posted by shogun View Post
    was quite long time ago, no sharp memory.
    the drive side flap has a motor, and the passenger side flap is actuated from the drover side motor with a bowden cable. And that is accessible from the engine room.
    And that I found on a 10/1988 E32 750iL, maybe it is different on other production years.

    once more go thru all the pics here

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004


    dashboard removal
    before you start, read the last info!!!!!

    Update - The easy way: I had this idea I did way to much work the last time when I removed the dash cover. As I have no other hobbies I removed the dashboard cover again. This time the upper part was off in some 20 minutes. I removed all the connectors under the driverside glovebox, the steering wheel, the instrument cluster, the IHKA wiring loom, the park ventilation wiring to the IHKA control panel and the speaker wiring to the speakers behind the kick panels. Then I took off the entire center cover (with two people) with the wiringloom, OBC, speakers, air channels, radio and everything still in it. You will have to free the wiring loom to the hazardwarning lights and the auto transmission. http://bmwe32.masscom.net/johan/dash...dash_cover.jpg

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Dayton Ohio


    How did you ever know which connectors to remove? You must really know your stuff. Is your vehicle a european car? (right side driver)

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I did not write that, that is written by Johan, see the link above.

    My car is a European car (left side driver), same as Johan's car, who lives in the Netherlands. Steering wheel on left side.
    European cars are in general left hand drive, except some countries like the U.K. which is RHD

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2006


    I have a somewhat related question. I am finding some green residue on the ground under where the Air Conditioning Condensation drains out thru the two hoses.. I initially feared it was Green Anti freeze leaking into the air box from faulty heater core o-rings then I realized my Windshield Washer Fluid is also Green but the dripping is not really where the washer Reservoir is located. I then realized it is perhaps just washer fluid from the excessive use due to many insect suicides on my windshield which has been sucked into the air intake at the base of the windshield and is mixing in the air box with condensation and draining out . The residue is not smelling like antifreeze and is not really oily like that.. am I correct that this is probably washer fluid that has splashed up and been sucked into the Air box?

    Heck,while I'm asking... With all settings on the manual climate control set to full cold, center wheel all the way down, two dials all the way to the left(blue) and the AC button the Manual says to keep the bottom(foot well) slider slightly open for the temp sensor but I then get Hot Air to my feet which is very uncomfortable in the summer when I want the AC. is this a stepper motor /Mixing Flap issue or it the Heater valves faulty? When I turn the center vent wheel the temp will change but I thought when the wheel was all the way to cold the water valves were shutting completely and should't allow any heated coolant into the Heater Core at all which must be happening if I feel heat to my feet even with all setting to cold....
    Last edited by Jehu; 06-01-2009 at 09:26 PM.
    1995 540i Manual build 1/95

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