When I tested the sensors side by side the new one showed >1000 ohms while the old one showed >500,000 ohms.

I did not check the 'groove' but I will look at that before I sleep. When I put it on it didn't look like there were any options to rotate it.

I think the battery is too dead to turn the engine over now. I pulled all the plugs and turned it over for a while. I smelled gas but the smell was NOT overpowering. It was definitely there. The spark wasn't there for the most part but while I was holding the plug to a bolt, I saw a spark jump to the bolt but I couldn't replicate it. The the starter started clicking loudly because I think the battery could only power the solenoid.

I checked three pins. 26 good. 48 good when key in ignition. 54 BAD! nothing. what does this mean?

I hope I didn't fry my starter. I will put a better charger on it tonight.