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Thread: E36 location of modules and relais

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default E36 location of modules and relais

    am trying to make a list for all, so pls help to complete it.

    Behind glove box (LHD car):
    DWA (anti-theft device)
    window lifter
    window wiper-washing
    central locking

    Behind the battery (engine room):
    DME (digital motor electronics/ECU)

    In trunk:

    At the drive system for the sunroof:
    Sunroof relais

    The fuses and most of the relais are in the engine room, however some of the relais are also in the cabin next to the steering wheel column.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    where might the comfort relay be on a 1994 318is ? and what does it control?
    I bought a haynes book and it is a pathetic excuse for a manual and it shows six relays (one of which is comfort) above the left kick panel, well all I see there is one very large one.
    The reason I'm looking for it is I suspect maybe it runs the sunroof. I am not getting power to my red wire on my sunroof switch or the sunroof fuse. If I jump power to it the sunroof operates correctly. The book shows a "distribution box" and "distribution box b" is that the fuse boxes?

    '94 318 113k miles, '69 chevelle, '65 fb mustang,

  3. #3

    Default try this

    Try the bentley manual. I have one for my 318is E36. I found it very helpful. A lot better than the haynes one which seemed to be little more than a service manual.

    Also there are some BMW CD's called ETM (electronic Troubleshooting Manual) these should help you locate modules and their function. It includes wiring diagrams and overviews etc. This was replaced with WDS (Wiring Diagram System for newer BMWs)

    Also BMW TIS might be helpful, BMW's EPC will also have cutaway drawings for everything

    Last edited by shoulders; 07-13-2006 at 05:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004


    As you have a Bentley, why do you not just check it out for him where the
    comfort relay is located?

  5. #5


    That is a very good idea. I should of thought about it.

    Anyway I have looked in the bentley and i think the comfort relay is to do with the central locking. It wasnt very clear what is did. It just said where it was and pointed to it in winring diagrams.

    "AUXILIARY RELAY PANEL - the auxiliary relay panel contains five relay posistions. In later models an additional fuse holder (fuse 48) and the EWS II (anti Theft) transmitter/reciever module are located on this panel. (see fuse layout picture)
    The panel is located next to the steering column under the drivers side dashboard. to access this panel, remove the lower dash panel on the drivers side. Then remove the drivers side knee bolster. lower the relay panel by gently releasing the plastic retainers. see fuse location picture.
    During installation, be sure the retainer tabs are engaged in the relay panel.

    hope this helps.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    '94 318 113k miles, '69 chevelle, '65 fb mustang,

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